Monday, October 8, 2012

Saya Takut Nak Cintai Awak T.T nak awk memahami hati dgn perasaan sy,bile awk msg sy mlm smlm,hati sy berdebar,sy tak tahu nak buat ape,dlm hati sy cume mampu sebut"Ya Allah selamatkan lah aku"sebelum awk msg sy,sy bru lps solat then berdoa pd Tuhan semoga sy kuat dan tak terus disakiti lagi.tibe2 awk msg sy,tak sanggup sbb bile kite cntct sy tak tentu arah apa nk jwb setiap kali awk berblas msg,sb sy mengigil takut dgn takut sy sakiti awk...byk pkara sy ingin mohon maaf pd awk.maaf sb sy ingin lihat perubahan dlm hidup awk,sy tahu sy x layak nak ubah awk,berubahlah kerana Allah rizal,sy x nak lihat penampilan yg serabai tuh(minta maaf sb ckap mcm ni)ubah la penampilan  bukan x mahu cntct awk,sy biarkan awk sb sy nk awk bahagia wlupun tanpa sy,mm kite kwn.tapi perasaan sy thadap awk lain...berbanding dgn laki lain yg menganggap sy prempuan cantik yg tak jemu memandang gmbr sy dlm fb tu,bila sy trima pujian beitu,sy syukur sgt2 sb Allah yg ubah diri sy wajah kadang2 dihina sb sy tak layan laki yg nak mngenali sy,sy dianggap sombong dan keji.bila sy berdoa berzikir sy cume akan fkrkan awk,menalir air mata sy bila sy berdoa untuk awk,wlupun sy taktahu bila doa sy untuk awk akan termakbul,sy menunggu waktu terus berdoa supaya awk x disakiti oleh tahu sy byk mngajar awk buat dosa kecil dosa bsr sewaktu kite mnyuruh awk mencium sy,sy pegang tgan awk,sembang pekara yg mendatangkn minta maaf rizal minta maaf sgt2 sb buat bgitu sb sy tahu tu nafsu semata2 sb terlalu mnyintai awk.sayangkan awk.lepas ibu ayah marahkn sy sb awk tidak pinang sy,berkali2 sy dimarahi ibu,sy sedar diri yg sy tak layak lagi menyintai awk,berkali2 sy menyakiti awk dgn alasan ibu nk pinangkan sy dgn laki2 lain,sy senyap smpai skg ibu still tnya awk ada tanya sy atau awk ada brtnya khabar sy atau snyap dan mnjawab "biarkan rizal tuh"sy tak berhnti berdoa awk brubh wlupn bkn untuk sy tapi untuk diri awk,kalau awk keras hati sy biarkan saje.skrg sy bkje dgn slmn,bila sy xde keje sy tgok pic awk kat fon,atau sy brjalan kat pntai blkg kdai slmn,tgok matahari terbenam tok kapal kat lauk,tgok nelayan smbil tgok pic awk lam fon sy,smpailah matahari terbanam,sy berdoa dlm hati"Ya Allah lindungilah rizal,kuatkanlah hati rizal untuk menempuh segala ujian yg Kau turunkan pd dia"sy menangis,dlm sehari sy mngis 2,3 kali sb rindu risaukn tak mahu awk hilang dari jalan menuju keredhaanNya sy nk awk lembutkan lah hati awk,sy nk awk fhm sy bkn x cintai awk sb sy takut sy buat dos lagi pd awk,sy dah bertaubat rizal sy berharap awk pun insaf ats prbuatan sy,kjahilan diri sy trhadap awk dan tak sangup bercinte lagi wlupn dgn cume ingin jadi milik awk yg sah,sy nk jadi isteri awk bukan lagi girlfriend tgh kuatkan hati supaya tak terjerumus dlm prcintaan lagi sblm nak awk fhm,mungkin bila awk bce ni awk anggap sy main2 dan ni lah gaya sy sbb nak memujuk bkn gaya nk awk juga bertaubat atas dosa2 yg awk dah lakukan dgn dosa2 yg kite lakukan bersama semase kite bercinte hampir setahun..ibu pernah ckp kat sy bila ibu lihat sy dduk senyap n termenung"rizal saje bole terime kau"sy tsenyum x ckap ape2 pn...wlupun awk masih stdy,awk pnh ckp awk pinang sy tahun dpn,sbnrnye sy x mnggu sesiape pun rizal,siapa yg pinang sy tibe2,baru sy terima sb itu dah takdir dari Allah sy kne harap sy x mnyakiti awk tak boleh sll berjumpa awk,sb sy tkaut awk ckp x nak dtg dgn berbagai alasan,kelmarin awk x nk dt sb bencikan slman&along,ape dorg buat kat awk?dorg cume wat slh pd sy je bkn pd awk.cume dorg tak mnyukai awk sbb dorg pnh lihat sy mengis sb bergduh gan awk mse kite bercinte dulu.kadang2 sy bnci dorg sb mnyusahkan sy,tapi skrg tak lagi,sy x nk bnci sape2 pn,mlm tdi sy borak gan slmn kat kedai dia psal awk,sy mahu abah perubah penampilan.slmn mnjwb betul apa sy ckap,rizal kne brubh tuk diri dia biar la apa org nk ckap.brubah kerana Allah bukan kerana sy mahukn sy x memaksa.wlupn kelmarin awk msg mcm2 bila sy ckp nak jmp,bila awk dtg je,sy tahan emosi sy sb sy mngis dpn dorg sb kata2 awk dlm msg be continue

Sunday, October 7, 2012

muara hati ~this song just for you~

Cinta terpisah ruang waktu
Tetap cinta bersatu dalam hatiku
Walau raga kita tak mungkin bersama
Ku yakini hati kan tetap setia

Ku percaya ke mana pun kau berjalan
Suara cinta menuntunmu kepadaku
Kerna bila cinta sudah bersemadi
Takkan terpisah hati

Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Ku yakin engkau untukku
Meski jejak pisahkan kita
Cinta kan bawa kembali padamu

Aku ada kerna kau ada
Dan cinta hatiku hanyalah untukmu

Jalanku tertuju padamu
Ke mana pun kan pasti kembali

Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Biarkan aku merasuk
Bersatu dalam hatimu
Hanya dirimu dan aku

Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Biarkan aku merasuk (merasuk dalam hati)

Monday, July 16, 2012

{♥} i'm addicted to you {♥}

love isn't perfect. It isn't a fairytale or a storybook, and it doesn't always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute, every second of it was worth it because our did it.....together.. I can lie to myself and convince myself that there's an excuse for what you did, but that doesn't change the truth. It's funny how I'm good at giving advice to others, but when it comes to helping myself, I don't know what to do. 

If I told you I missed you, would you care? If I told you I couldn't live without you, would you be there? If I told you I could be your everything, would you give me a chance? If I told you I could make you happy, would you give me the perfect romance?If I told you I loved you... would you love me back? 
Every time I laugh, I hope you watching. So maybe, just maybe, you'll fall in love with smile just like I did with you. 

It means loving you when you're in a bad mood or too tired to do things I want to do. It means loving you when you're down, not just when you're fun to be with. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough not to let go. It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly, hoping you feel the same way for me. And lastly, When I crying in front of you. please don't ask me questions. Just hug me tight and let me know everything in going to be okay. 

 I very loving you..Rizal ;(

Holding our hands together ♥♥

Holding our hands together symbolized pure love and care ♥
Fingers being connected together represents love relationship and joy.

You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty.
I don't need someone perfect, I just need someone who loves me, respects me, cares for me and understands me.
If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true? Cause i've been in love before and I found that love was more than just holding hands :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Steadfast lover,unique in all the world ^.^

You are only my love, and I am your beloved. 
Your beloved will love you well.
You are only my lover, and I am your beloved. 

The season is young and beautiful.
Come, take me into your arms, beloved. 
 Created a love story, made you insane.

I'm crazy for you! 

Steadfast lover, unique in all the world
is your and my love story.

You're in my breath.
you're in my words.
 No one will believe.
No one will know.

You're my only love, and I am your beloved.
your beloved will love you well.
I am your only love, and you are my beloved.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Tak kubayangkan cinta seindah ini
Waktu dan tika ia bermula
Hanya ku rasa perasaan gementar
Ingin mengerti kau maksudnya

Di dalam jiwa tiba gelisah
Ketika kita bertentang mata
Maka kukenal istilah cinta
Mengisi ruang sudut hatiku

Bisa asmara
Datang mencengkam

Sinar cintamu itu
Bagai sinar kejora menyala

Penantian ini pasti satu seksaan
Ketika dalam kegersangan
Andainya dapat engkau turut rasakan
Betapa cinta ku membara

Ditemani ombak sepi
Layar mimpi
Inginkan bertemu

Hari-hari kulalui
Mengharap mahligai terindah
Mengharap yang terindah

Monday, June 18, 2012


You know how you make me crazy. You know how I need you.
 I'm addicted to you and you're feeling me too .. 
 You know how you kiss me. Give me just a little chance.
 Give me just a little time. I've been waiting for long.
 All I need if your love. Give me just a little something. 
You are my philosophy .
 My believes my everything. 
And I'm gonna get you .
 You know what I mean. 
You know how you tease me. 

rizal ;)